Kindness is powerful!
Star loves meeting people and making new friends, but it can be hard for her. Why? Because Star had an accident a few years ago, and now doesn’t look like she used to. She doesn’t look like the other dogs. This is hard on Star, especially since sometimes others aren’t nice to Star just because of how she looks. Don’t they know that Star is a good dog? Although some may not be nice to Star, she knows the most important thing is to be kind at all times.
Follow Star on her journey to making friends and overcoming adversity.
In I'm A Star!, children will learn the importance of courage, and that kindness is powerful!
I'm A Star! Is the first book in the I'm A Star! series and suitable for children ages 3-8. Even adults will learn something from I'm A Star!
Size of book is 8.25 x 6 and contains premium color illustrations. Book is 37 pages.
I'm A Star!
We've had requests for books to be signed by Star's dad, Charlie Cifarelli. If you'd like a book signed by Charlie, please make note at checkout. If you'd like a personalized message, please be sure to include that as well.